Glitter fades, but summer camp memories last a lifetime.

We’ve dreamed about it for months on end while trudging through sleet and snow, and now, it’s almost here — summertime! To celebrate, The Friendship Factory is pumped to offer an array of Michigan summer camps. From Barbie Camp to Science Camp, we’re certain there’s something to make everyone as happy as a sparkly sunbeam busting through the clouds!

Many of you mamas may remember your own summer camp days, laughing with pals, making friendship bracelets, and picking up again the next year right where you left off. Here at The Friendship Factory, we like to unwind under the spotlight of our karaoke stage after we’ve picked out our favorite color of hair glitter. All summer long, we will be getting creative with shells and beads, and the best kind of glue that holds us all together, friendship and kindness. Camp friends are forever friends, so even if you visit us by yourself, you’re sure to make a friend here. Our Sparkle Squad is hard at work building a sense of togetherness throughout each and every activity.

Before we continue our work formulating the fizziest of bubbles and mastering our manicure skills for camp time, we’d like to personally invite you to join us! Check out our events page today to be a part of Michigan’s most fabulous summer camps!


Momior: French Braid Breakfast


Our hypothesis stands true! Friendship is the best cardio.