Momior: French Braid Breakfast

The Original French Braid Breakfast Squad!

Today is Wednesday! It is a day that always brings joy when I think back to a little tradition I created with my daughter, called French Braid Breakfast. It is very appropriate that today’s braiding event is on Wednesday; I didn’t even plan it that way!  What is French Braid Breakfast you ask? Let me explain…

Like most moms, I always sought new activities, events, and traditions for my girls to enhance their childhood.  Some things I would try did not work out how I thought they would.  Some things were fun but didn’t stick, so then I would try something new.   I would get ideas from the other moms, reading and researching online.  When something worked and brought joy, the results were magic!  One thing that I tried but honestly didn’t expect to stick was something I called French Braid Breakfast.  Not only did it stick, but it also became a wonderful tradition with lots of special lifetime memories!

When my daughter Gracie was in middle school, many of her friends often asked me to braid their hair, so an idea came to me. I invited the girls to come over early on Wednesday morning at 6:30 a.m., an hour before heading to the bus stop.   When the girls arrived, I had a little spread on the kitchen counter and a station where they would braid their hair.  We had five regulars from the bus stop, but after word spread, we would have guests join in the fun!  Every week, I served juice and donuts/bagels, and by the end of the year, each Wednesday would have a different theme, like French Braid Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Orange You Glad It’s Almost Summer. The girls and I became so close that they convinced me to take them on a summer field trip to Cedar Point and ride all the roller coasters with them.

 Why was French Braid Breakfast so amazing? It had nothing to do with their hair; they probably often left and took the braids out before school. As a busy working mom, this quality time every Wednesday morning was GOLD!  I could hear the girls chatter in my kitchen, almost as if they forgot I was there. It was the first time I felt like I had a pulse on what was happening with Gracie and her friends. Of course, I would share any nuggets with the other moms, so we were all on top of things.  As we know, it takes a village to raise a child.  Many moms had to step in for me after work while I was in my office until 6 p.m. or later.  At the Friendship Factory, my staff and I have the privilege of being a tiny part of the village for many children who frequent our store.

 As I type this, I think of the nights, exhausted but hustling on my way home from work to get Dunkin’ Donuts and other breakfast goodies. On those tough nights, followed by an early morning alarm, I wondered why I was doing this. But once I got past the exhaustion, those mornings brought me more joy than I could ever have imagined. I hope all the girls have the fond memories that I do. What I do know is that we all have a special bond from our French Braid Breakfast.

Love Your Friend,




Glitter fades, but summer camp memories last a lifetime.